Effective Techniques for Managing Remote Developers on Your Project

Effective Techniques for Managing Remote Developers on Your Project


Remote Developers

Many companies and colleges have encouraged their developers to work remotely in reaction to the uncertainty provided by Covid-19. Although it is generally better to set clear remote-work rules and training beforehand, this degree of preparation is certainly not possible in moments of emergency or other quickly changing conditions. Fortunately, there are precise, research-based strategies which managers could take without much effort to boost remote developers engagement and productivity, even when there is very little time to plan.

It is not enough to just provide remote developers with a video conference platform and expect the firm to continue running as usual. Managers must be mindful of how remote work might lead to social isolation among team members. Feelings of loneliness might come in fast if you’re more used to seeing your coworkers or clients every day. The remote workplace culture can also have an impact on attention, teamwork, and creativity. It’s not commonly spoken, but in order to keep our teams healthy, happy, and successful, we must recognise and resolve the stressful atmosphere that working remotely can cause for remote developers.

Being capable of managing remote personnel necessitates a mental leap, especially for more traditional-minded supervisors. At first, corporate executives who are used to measuring productivity based on remote developers’ “desk time” and apparent activity levels may find the transition to remote work strange and unmanageable. Remote developers may sometimes feel disoriented at first as they adapt to big changes in their daily routines. Although everyone seems to understand what telecommuting really is, not all have had the opportunity to use it. Remote working has its own list of pros and cons.

Managers may find success by concentrating more on what ‘s accomplished and whether it fulfills well-defined quality standards in the absence of the capacity to continually monitor people in a shared office environment. It is also very beneficial to be open to the idea of experimenting with various tech and meeting platforms.

In other words, whether prepared months ahead of time or in consequence to a natural disaster or a worldwide epidemic, efficient pivots to virtual work need managers’ willingness to rethink how they lead their teams. They must also become acquainted with telecommuting industry standards and be prepared for some trial and error.

To begin, here are 6 Effective Tips for Managing Remote Developers on Your Next Project:

  • 1. Set targets early and frequently

Establishing guidelines, setting limits and going through the basics are the most critical things to do when starting a project. There will be questions; but the main solution begins by managers being approachable and offering clarity on priority tasks, milestones, targets, and other more. Find out each group member’s availability and make sure you can contact them if necessary.

Managers should also keep employees informed of policy and change in staff or roles, corporate accomplishments, and advice for working from home, just as they would do in the workplace. They must also mirror behavior related to working hours, such as creating expectations for responding to any post work-hours e-mails and messages.

This helps employees maintain a good work/life balance and eliminates burnout, which can be more common when there is no physical boundary between home and the office, which is very common especially when working from home. A sudden change in the workplace setting might be perplexing for your staff. As a result, it is critical that you maintain the goals at the forefront of your mind. This also aids in the proper management of their workload. Whether you develop new objectives for your remote developers or establish new parameters, make sure you communicate them on a regular basis. This will ensure the right flow of communication, assist you in overcoming misconceptions, and increase productivity.

If it is more convenient for you, you can hold regular meetings with your complete staff. Finally, it is up to you; regardless of the strategy you select, communicating with your remote staff about what is required of them is critical. Because you are not at a real workplace, ensure that the procedure is clear and precise.

  • 2. Keep a Timely Track of Your Employees’ Performance and Progress.

Have your staff offer you a work plan, along with jobs they are expected to perform within a set period. This will ease your anxieties and provide your staff the framework they need to execute their duty. Remember that just because you can’t see someone at their desk doesn’t mean they’re not working. Have faith in the process.
Perform regular check-ins. Several efficient remote managers schedule a daily conference call with their remote developers. If your workers operate separately from one another, this might take the shape of a sequence of one-on-one conversations, or a team call if his\her work is extremely collaborative. The crucial aspect is that the calls are consistent and predictable, and that it serves as a platform in which remote developers know they can consult with you and that their problems and queries will be addressed.

  • 3. Promote Discussions and Create Opportunities for Social Interactions Remotely

One of the genuinely important actions a supervisor could take is to create opportunities for remote developers to connect socially like having a casual chat about non-work issues, while working remotely. This is true for all remote developers, but primarily for those who have been abruptly removed from the workplace culture and for newly recruited remote developers.
The simplest method to develop some basic social contact is to set aside some time at the start of team calls for non-work topics. Other alternatives include virtual Zomato parties and virtual office parties (in which party “comfort gifts” can be provided ahead of time to be unwrapped). While these sorts of gatherings may appear unnatural or coerced, project leaders of remote developers indicate that they help alleviate a sense of loneliness and promote a feeling of togetherness. Managers must interact with their remote employees because it keeps them informed of deadlines, available resources, job-related issues, and supervisors’ expectations, including working time.

Consider which communication technology best suits the team’s culture, and strike a fine balance between continually beeping staff with texts and emails and radio silence. Employees’ communication frequencies may vary. The easiest way to manage developers who work remotely is to ask them how they like being handled. Managers may keep an eye upon what each employee requires to be effective when working from home in this manner. While it is critical for managers to measure metrics that are relevant to their business and follow up with employees. Always remember, excessive surveillance can lead to employee distrust.

  • 4. Concentrate on Results rather than Methods.

Allow remote developers to accomplish their tasks in the ways that are simplest and most effective for them in the remote workstyle, where many individuals are juggling between work and domestic responsibilities in their own households.
A 10:00 am meeting today may have to be canceled, or the manager may have to waive a time-consuming clearance procedure. Collaborate at a mutually convenient time, and use virtual tools if feasible. Providing freedom allows teams to execute their tasks in their own unique way. As their manager, one must shift your focus away from the process and onto what is being accomplished. Simply tell your team everything you require them to achieve.

  • 5. Create Collaboration Opportunities

A shared record that tracks work activities is one alternative for supervisors to be informed as to what respective employees are doing. It is an excellent exercise, even when employees are in the office, and it will help leads adjust their objectives and duties of developers during this uncertain moment. As a team, agree on appropriate virtual collaboration conduct, such as how promptly to reply to communications from colleagues. Send a brief text saying “I’ll call back” when you are deeply engaged in something else and a coworker contacts you.

  • 6. Lookout for Indicators of Stress Among Your Staff.

To gain insight into remote developers’ issues and concerns, use both direct interactions and indirect observations. Make use of every chance to show your remote developers that you appreciate their inputs and care about them. To enable regular dialogues between managers and remote developers, give managers information on how to approach sensitive COVID-19 pandemic topics such as alternative work patterns, job security and opportunities, impacts on staffing, and workplace stress.

Offering encouragement and emotional support is critical for managers to identify stress, listen to developers’ fears and concerns, and sympathize with their problems, especially in the context of a sudden move to remote work. Ask recently remote developers how they’re doing if they’re visibly suffering but aren’t expressing worry or concern. Even a general question such as, “How is this remote work situation going so far?” may elicit important details that you would not have received otherwise. Once you’ve asked the question, make sure to attentively listen to the employee’s response and briefly rephrase it back to them to confirm you’ve understood accurately. Allow the remote developers’ worries or anxieties to be the focal point of this discussion.

Productivity is the major key for every firm. When remote developers are distressed or anxious, their productivity suffers. The unpredictability and rapid shift to a work-from-home culture has resulted in a significant shift in how a business and its workers function. Employees who are suffering from mental illnesses appear to be visible. As a result, it is vital to comprehend them and offer assistance. Furthermore, research implies that workers look to their supervisors for guidance on how to handle a crisis. When managers exhibit signals of powerlessness and worry, their staff pick up on it.


As a result, managers must establish the proper communication channels in order to assist and hear their remote developers, as well as to be constructive and empowering in times of crisis. Managing remote developers may be a completely new challenge for your management. One of the major challenges that the administration has here involves connecting the distant employees while maintaining internal communication. 

As the market expands, so should your workforce. And, if you must manage your remote developers, make sure you are aware of their pulses. You should be prepared to establish an exciting relationship with your remote developers if you have the correct tips and tricks on how to properly manage remote developers. Remote working may turn into a new curve for your firm if you are willing to put in the additional effort and drive your team to success. Hope these 6 tips on how to manage remote developers help you and your remote developers with remote working culture!



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