Django Interview Questions

Django Interview Questions


This is a comprehensive guide on Django interview questions. It has three sets of important Django interview questions and answers: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.

With the help of our sure-fire Django interview preparation guide, you can ace your upcoming interview and land your dream position as a Django developer.

Introduction - Django Interview Questions and Answers

Django is a popular full stack framework solely built for python. It is one of the best web development frameworks that is fast, secure, scalable, and feature-rich.

It’s free and open source with huge community support where a developer can get answers to his queries within minutes.

It takes developers’ dream project ideas from concept to launch within a few hours and reduces most web development hassles so they can focus on writing their applications.

Optymize is a US-based company with global clients. We offer 100% remote opportunities as well as competitive payments. Sign up with us, crack the interview and work with Fortune 500 Companies.

Django Interview Questions For Beginners

1. Is Django Front-end or Back-end?

Django is a full stack framework that is a combination of both front-end and back-end. It has rich sets of features and libraries for both parts and can scale either of them with greater efficiency.

2. How effective is code reusability in Django?

Code reusability is much more effective in Django. As compared to other frameworks Django allows developers to copy codes from one directory to another without any hassles.

This means developers will not spend a chunk of time writing codes; they can just copy-paste a similar part and only write the unique operations. This is why it’s considered a rapid development framework.

3. What architecture does Django use?

Django is built on top of MVT(Model-View-Template) architecture which is based on MVC(Model View Controller) architecture.

    Model: The logical data structure part of the framework that the database signifies.
    View: The user interface, which represents various elements in the framework.
    Template: Presents the data.

4. Explain Django Models.

In Django, models are considered as a class that maps to a database collection. Each of its attributes represents a database field and is defined as app/model.

In short, it’s the SQL of the database one uses for Django. These models simplify the tasks and organize tables into models. In general, each model maps only a single database table.

from django.db import models # Create your models here. class DjangoModel(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length = 100) description = models.TextField()

The above example has two attributes one char and one int, which will be in table fields.

5. Define Django Views.

A view function is a python function that takes web requests and returns HTML content, a 404 error, an XML document, or an image. But to execute a view we have to call a URL.

There are two types of Django Views:
    Function-Based Views: In this, we import the view as a function.
    Class-Based Views: In this, we apply an object-oriented approach.
from django.http import HttpResponse def simple_function(request): return HttpResponse(“Hello world!”)

The above example has two attributes one char and one int, which will be in table fields.

6. What is DRF?

Django Rest Framework is a framework that reduces the lines of codes developers need to write and create REST APIs.

7. What are model inherent styles in Django?

Django has three main inherent styles:

    Abstract Base Class: This style can be beneficial if one wants the parent class to keep the data and doesn’t want to type it for every child model.
    Multi-Table Inheritance: This style can be used if one wants to implement a subclass over an existing model and wants each existing model to have a subclass table.
    Proxy Models: This style can help in modifying python level functioning of models without changing the field of the model.

Intermediate Django Interview Questions

With practice, you will be able to respond to basic Django interview questions with ease as a developer.

We have gathered some challenging Django interview questions for you in this part. You can get assistance from this section with these precise types of intermediate Django interview questions you might face while looking for work.

1. What is ORM in Django?

The Object Relational Mapper(ORM) is one of the best features of Django. It allows developers to interact with databases, similar to SQL. Django’s ORM is a pythonic way of creating and manipulating databases similar to SQL. It works as an abstraction layer between the database and existing models.

2. What is Django admin? Explain its commands

Django admin is its command line utility that carries out administrative tasks. This command line utility carries out all the tasks performed by file also gets created automatically when a project is created.

The following is the list of commands:
Commands Task
django-admin help It displays particular usage information and a list of the commands provided by each piece of software.
django-admin version It checks the Django version.
django-admin check It inspects the entire Django project for common problems.
django-admin dbshell It executes the command-line client for the database engine specified in the engine setting(s), using the connection parameters (USER, PASSWORD, DB_NAME, USER, and so on) specified in the settings file.
django-admin diffsettings This shows the difference between the settings file and Django’s default file settings.
django-admin dumpdata It is used to dump data from the database.
django-admin compilemessages compiles.po files for use with the help of built-in gettext support.
django-admin flush Flushes all values from the database and also re-executes any post-synchronization handlers specified in the code.
django-admin createcachetable It creates the cache tables to be used in the database cache backend.
django-admin inspectdb It generates Django models from the current database tables.
django-admin loaddata It loads the data from the fixture file into the database.

3. What is user authentication in Django?

Django has inbuilt user authentication and user authorization. Authentication simply implies whether a person claims who he is and authorization imply what that authenticated user is allowed to do.

It handles
    1. Users
    2. Permissions (yes/no flags)
    3. Groups
    4. Configurable password
    5. hashing system
    6. Forms and view tools
    7. Password strength checking
    8. Login attempt throttling
    9. Authentication of the third party

4. How Django response lifecycle work?

Whenever a web request is made Django creates an HTTP response to that metadata. Afterward, Django loads the view and passes the HTTP request to an argument toward the view function. Then each view returns an HTTP response.

The following steps show how the response cycle works.

  • Initially, the file is created with MIDDLEWARE classes.
  • Then these middlewares are executed as mentioned in the MIDDLEWAREST.
  • The request is now moved to the URL router which accesses the URL path from the request and tries to match it with the developers’ given URL path in
  • When it’s mapped, it will call a view function, from where the equivalent HTTP response is generated.
  • This response passes through MIDDLEWARE and is sent back to the client side.
  • 5. How to set Static Files in Django?

    Statics files provide additional resources such as images, CSS, or JavaScript files. These files are managed by django.contrib.staticfiles. The static files can be set up in three steps.

  • Setting STATIC_ROOT in
  • Running collect static
  • Setting up static files entry on the PythonAnywhere web tabs
  • 6. What is the use of the session framework?

    The session framework allows developers to store and retrieve arbitrary data based on pre-site visitors. Moreover, it stores data on the server side and handles the tasks of sending and receiving cookies.

    Unless developers specifically use a cookie-based backend, these cookies only contain a session ID and no actual data.

    Advanced Django Interview Questions

    This section contains some advanced interview questions for Django jobs. Read and understand how these complex technologies work and how they help businesses.

    1. Define Mixin

    A mixin is a type of inheritance in which one can mix attributes and behaviors of multiple parent classes. It allows users to reuse codes from different classes. However, there are limitations to analyzing what classes are executing and what methods should be overridden when codes are scattered between multiple classes.

    2. Explain Django URL

    Django offers a feature where developers can design URL functions, and for this, a Python module is required called URLconf.

    This Python module acts as a mapping between python functions and URL path expressions. This mapping can reference other mapping and can be short or long as preferred by developers.

    3. Define Django Cookies.

    The Django cookies store some information on the client-side browser. To fetch these cookies, Django offers unique commands. To set, set_cookies() is used; to get cookies, get() is used.

    To get the cookie value, developers can use the COOKIES[‘key’] array.

    4. What's the difference between Django OneToOneField and ForiegnKeyField?

    Both are common types of fields in Django. The only difference they have is that OneToOneField forms only one-to-one relationships and requires a model class, whereas ForeignKeyField has an on_delete option with the model class as it is used for many-to-one relationships.

    5. How to combine multiple QuerySets in a view?

    In the early days Concatenating QuerySets into a list was the easiest approach. Now to combine QuerySets you can:

    Import chain from itertool
    result_list = list(chain(model1_list, model2_list, model3_list))


    Whether you’re a developer getting ready for an interview or a hiring manager trying to find the ideal candidate, we believe these Django interview questions and answers will be a tremendous help to you during the process.

    Keep in mind that technical proficiency is only one aspect of the hiring process. Both prior experience and soft skills are essential if you want to be hired for a high-paid web development position.

    Keep in mind that many of the Django interview questions are open-ended. Not just the answer you memorized, but also your reasoning will be of interest to the interviewer. Always be prepared to address any follow-up inquiries about how you came to your conclusion. Describe the way you think.

    Good Luck! Regarding your future Django interview. You can browse through our listings for Django developer jobs here.